Metrology & Calibartion
Mechanical Scope – Dimension(Length, Dia, Vernier, Micrometer, Hole/Shaft Gauges, Thread Gauges, Fixture, Height Gauge, Radius, Angle etc), Pressure(Industrial Pressure, Gauge Pressure , Pressure Switch, ransmitter, Vacuum etc.), Mass(Balance, Weight), Force(UTM, CTM,TTM), Hardness, Volumatic Instruments
Thermal – Temp, Humidity
Electro Technical
3D Scanner
- It is used for reverse engineering for new development & designing (Max. use in Forging, Casting & Modelling Industries )
- Portable – CMM

Surface Roughness Tester
Surface roughness tester is used for checking the finishing of machining surface (for bore, hole, internal & external wall axial & radial wall etc.)

Universal Length Measurement Machine
It is used for calibration of various types of checking instruments, like vernier , micrometer, bore gauge, thread gauge, angular thread gauge , snap gauge, plug gauge dial indicator etc.

Nikon CMM with polyworks software
For measuring the physical, geometrical characteristics of an object. Modelling is more easier and faster than catia.

Pressure Calibration Comparator
Calibration of All type of Industrial Pressure, gauge Pressure, Pressure Switch Transmitter etc . Up to 1000 Bar Accuracy 0.05% fs

Profile Projector
Lens 10X,20X,50X, 100X Calibration of Radius, Angle, Chamfer, Jig, Fixture, Aperture etc

Temperature Calibration System
Calibration of controller Thermocouple, Sensor, Thermometer, Recorder, Furnace, Oven -80˚C To 1500˚C

Volume And Mass Calibration
Calibration of Standard Weight,Volumatic Glass ware etc

Force Calibration Unit

Gauge Block Calibration System
Calibration of all type of gauge block all grade.

Ultrasonic Flow Detector
Calibration of all type of gauge block all grade.